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Mango Bubble Tea

August 31, 2010
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My daughter, Sarah, loves mangos in any form.  So, when she discovered bubble tea and lassies my interest was piqued, as it always is, to see if we could make it ourselves. This interest grew even more recently when I watched how one of these was made and was shocked to see that a powder was being used not fresh fruit and other wholesome ingredients. I began my research and this weekend, while in the city, I found tapioca pearls and my favorite unsweetened mango puree at a Filipino market. Score. While I didn’t follow any specific recipe I did learn how to cook the tapioca pearls and how to make the syrup that they soak in, the rest was ad lib and we both loved the results.

Mango Bubble Tea

for one serving

2/3 cup unsweetened mango puree or 1 whole mango pureed until smooth

1/3  cup vanilla yogurt

1/3 cup milk

2 Tbsp tapioca syrup (recipe below)

2-3 Tbsp tapioca pearls – prepared per package instructions

Tapioca Syrup

1  1/4 cup water

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

After cooking tapioca pearls per package instruction (our’s required about 20 minutes versus 5 as the package said, to soften them to the desired chewiness). In another pan boil water and sugars until dissolved to make tapioca syrup. Cool and add tapioca pearls, refrigerate for at least one hour

Blend mango puree, yogurt, milk and a few ice cubes until smooth. Spoon tapioca pearls and syrup into tall glass, top with puree. Use large straw to drink.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Mark permalink
    September 1, 2010 8:14 am

    Sounds delic! Could you share the address of market where you found the bubbles?

    • September 1, 2010 8:36 am

      Hi Mark,
      Both the tapioca pearls and unsweetented mango puree can be found at:

      Uni-Mart One Stop Shopping
      5845 N Clark St
      Chicago, IL 60660
      (773) 271-8676


      Tai Nam Food Market
      425 N Broadway
      Chicago, IL 60640
      (773) 275-5666

      It’s alot of fun to poke around these stores but most of the signs and package labeling are not in English. I’d buy more if I knew what I was buying!



  1. How to make tapioca syrup - Home Brew Forums

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